About Us
EBL TRAVEL, established part of ASI group of companies; have TURSAB licence (Turkey Association of Travel Agents) (No. 6964) and a member of the group EBL Travel tours are organized by the cultural activity carried out by the incoming countries, making contributions to the promotion and tourism receipts, also fulfills its social responsibilities. All guides,have special training and being in the country’s cultural history. Also, in countries where it operates, fulfills their social responsibilities.EBL Travel serve, quality service, that can offer different options, can produce quick solutions to problems ,and refers to a strong structuring to his guests.

VIP Tours
Starting from the countries of the conquest of a private airplane from the airport, and at the airport in the period up to departure, you see 100% customer
Airplane Ticket
Developing in line with business volume, transport communication is so important
today, taking advantage of all the opportunities of technology in our goals. fast, reliable
and known to be important to reach out to a professional point of view.
Health Tourism
We provide the highest standard of quality and safety of health services in Turkey, within the framework of medical tourism, realizing the submission
Rent A Car
Confidence in the constantly evolving world of technology today, the car, with comfort and style that has made a fashion that we use tools such as the exclusive prestige cars with a separate additions.
Sports Organization
EBL Travel has been proffessionally operating in Turkey. We are organizing football camps, tournaments friendship plays and high quality accommodations for football teams of all levels.
Conference Organizing
You can be assured EBL TRAVEL has the expertise to coordinate all your travel
requirements, even if you have people coming from all over the world.